
Manage your foreign exchange risks today


UOB offers you foreign exchange services on spot, forward and swap basis to meet your currency risks management needs and funding requirements.

We offer foreign exchange services for spot, fixed forward and swap basis to meet your currency risks management needs and funding requirements such as payment/receipt of trade bills, remittances, fund transfers and loans.

We also offer a variety of hedging instruments/products to better manage your foreign exchange exposures.


Enjoy competitive rates for a wide range of foreign currencies and the ability to hedge your foreign exchange exposures.

You can secure/book FX rates in advance from a choice of more than 20 currencies (including major currencies) against Singapore Dollar and US Dollar.

FX Rates

Foreign Exchange Rates

Foreign Exchange Rates

To find out more about foreign exchange rates against Vietnamese Dong, click here.

Foreign Exchange Global Code

Foreign Exchange Global Code

To find out more about Foreign Exchange Global Code, click here.


To apply, all corporations have to set up an FX Line with the Bank. The FX Line states the maximum amount and tenor that you may contract at any one time.

More Information

Value Date

Value date refers to the date on which actual exchange of funds i.e. payment/receipt takes place. Funds can only be used when they are credited with "good value". Foreign Exchange (FX) rates are generally quoted on a spot basis.

An FX spot transaction is a deal in which you and the Bank agree to exchange agreed-upon amounts of two different currencies at an agreed exchange rate for settlement in 2 business days after trade date (value Spot). Spot rates can be adjusted to provide for transactions taking place today or tomorrow. These transactions are known as "Value Today" or "Value Tomorrow".

A forward transaction is an agreement between you and the Bank, which is agreed on trade date, to exchange agreed-upon amounts of two different currencies at an agreed-upon rate/price for delivery on an agreed future date from 03 business days to 365 days after trade date (i.e. the forward value date).

An FX swap is a pair of currency transactions, one for purchase and one for sale, in which you and the Bank agreeing to exchange one currency against another currency (settlement of near leg) at an agreed rate on a particular business day (value date of near leg) and simultaneously agreeing to exchange back the currency (settlement of far leg) at an agreed rate in a future date (value date of far leg or maturity date of swap).

How to Apply


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