Enjoy our Fixed Deposit with attractive interest rates and flexible terms
  • Start with a low minimum placement of VND 10,000,000
  • Automatic renewal of fixed deposit
  • Lowest demand interest rate applied for premature withdrawals
Open account at UOB Vietnam to enjoy benefits
  • Free online money transfer
  • Free cash withdrawal at ATM
  • Free SMS banking service

Accounts & Deposits
Can customers continue to operate Citi Term Deposit, Current and Savings Account?
Yes, you can continue to use the existing products and services provided by Citi. Should there be changes, you will be notified by UOB.
I have a HKD/ GBP current account, can I still keep using the account with these 2 currencies after the Transfer Date?
You can continue using your current accounts and other products and services provided by Citi. Should there be any changes, you will be notified.
Who will be providing coverage for my deposit insurance?
Your accumulated deposits with Citi (before the Transfer Date) and UOB (from the Transfer Date) will be insured by DIV (Deposit Insurance of Vietnam), per the applicable laws.
Are there any changes to my joint account details from the Transfer Date?
There are no changes in your joint account arrangement from the Transfer Date.
Fees, Charges & Interest Rate
My Term Deposit/ Saving Deposit at Citi is due on or after the Transfer Date, if I want to keep the same term, will the interest rate apply at the current Citi or UOB interest rate?
From the Transfer Date, the interest rate of Term Deposit/ Saving Deposit will be based on UOB's interest rate.
But, you can still visit www.citibank.com.vn to have the latest update on the interest rate of Term Deposit/ Saving Deposit.
Are there any changes in banking fees and charges?
There are no changes in banking fees and charges.
Should there be changes, you will be notified.
Branch Services
I am having Citi Account, which branches can I visit to do banking since the transfer date?
From the Transfer Date, customers who have products and services provided by Citi can access banking services at the following branches:

UOB Sunwah Branch:
Sun Wah Tower, 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

UOB Horison Branch:
40 Cat Linh Street, Cat Linh Ward, Dong Da District, Hanoi.
Can I open new current account at branches transferring from Citi?
Yes, please contact our branches staff for further guidance.
Debit Card
Can I continue to withdraw cash with my debit card issued by Citi at ATM? Are there any fees and charges?
You can continue to use your Debit Card(s) issued by Citi at any ATMs bearing the MasterCard logo, including UOB ATMs.

The cash withdrawal fees and charges applicable for Debit Card remain the same. Should there be any changes, you will be notified.
I have a Citi Debit card, if I lose it or it expires after the Transfer Date, will my new card be reissued with the Citi or UOB logo?
If you lose your Debit card or it expires after the Transfer Date, your Debit Card will be issued by UOB, and will reflect "Citi" during the transitional period
Digital Services
Can I continue to use Citi Global Transfer and activate the global viewing of accounts?
No, these services have ceased since 26 June 2022.
Can I continue to access my Citibank Mobile & Citibank Online services?
You can continue to use Citi Mobile® App and Citibank Online as usual.
Can I still access my Citi accounts online for banking transactions?
You may continue to access your accounts online for your banking transactions with your Citi login ID and password. Should there be any changes that may impact you, we will inform and advise you accordingly.
I have Citibank accounts abroad. Can I still have a Global View of my accounts or perform Global Transfers?
Citi Global Transfer (CGT), Global View of Accounts (GVA) and Global Transfer services have been discontinued effective 26 June 2022. In order to view and access your Citi accounts abroad, you may login to Citibank Online of your accounts’ country of origin.

If there are on-going need for Global Transfers, you may continue to perform fund transfer(s) to overseas account via Telegraphic Transfers (TT) at your nearest branch.
Please visit here for branch locations and the applicable fees and charges.
You can also reach us via the following UOB Contact Centre:
1800 599 921 (Local)
+84 28 3898 9999 (Overseas)
(24/7 including public holidays)

As a reminder, UOB will never direct you to a website asking for your personal banking details, including OTP or Card PIN.
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